1. how do leadership behaviors and leadership skills differ?

1. How do leadership behaviors and leadership skills differ? Provide examples to illustrate your response.

2. Compare and contrast intrapersonal skills with interpersonal skills.

3. What are the two components necessary for leaders to build trust? How can these components be developed?

4. Differentiate between active listening and passive listening.

5. List and describe the steps involved in problem solving.

6. What is the main reason for people staying with organizations?
A. Job evaluations based on 360-feedback
B. Frequent development opportunities
C. Use of pay-for-performance systems
D. Promises of long-term employment
7. Explain Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

8. The sum of forces that attract members to a group, provide resistance to leaving it, and motivate them to be active in it is called:


punctuated equilibrium.

9. What is a group? How does a group different from the organization as a whole?

10. What is role conflict? Describe at least three types of role conflict.

11. Explain how level of authority affects leaders’ and followers’ behavior.

12.Differentiate between organizational culture and organizational climate.

True/False Questions

13. Situational Leadership is a useful way for getting leaders to think about how leadership effectiveness may depend on being flexible with different subordinates. _______

14. Situational Leadership is a useful way for getting leaders to think about how leadership effectiveness may depend on being flexible with different subordinates. _______

15. The path-goal theory assumes that leaders use the same styles with different subordinates. ________

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