Produce a table of descriptive statistics for the variable Age and variables Times 1, 2, 3, and 4
Answer the following questions:
How many children are there in this study?
How many children in age groups: a)4-7 b) 8-11 c) 12-15
Are the Group assignments determined by Age?How do you know?(hint: sort the data set by group)
Which Time (1, 2, 3 or 4) was the fastest?The slowest?
Produce Descriptive Statistics for the fastest and slowest times.What was the SD?What does that tell you?
Which Group had the fastest Time ?(you must isolate and compare Groups A, B, C)
Which Group had the slowest Time ?(you must isolate and compare Groups A, B, C)
Produce a BarChart for any variable you choose.What is it you are displaying?Describe
Finally, summarize your findings in one paragraph.
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The post 1 produce a table of descriptive statistics for the variable age and variables times 1 2 3 and 4 2 answer the following questions a how many children are there in this study b how many children in age groups a 4 7 b 8 11 c 12 15 c are the g appeared first on Essay Writers.