1. Read a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article based on , THE TOPIC IS WHAT FACTORS LEAD TO HOMELESSNESS?
2. Create an introductory paragraph that lays out the organization of the paper and informs the reader of your research question. You can use first person in this intro paragraph.
3. Summarize the article (3rd person)
a. What is the author’s research question, thesis statement, or main point?
1. what is the population of interest in this article?
b. What previous research does the author(s) discuss?
c. What does the research find?
1. how did they find this (what methodology was used?)?
2. Does the author(s) list any research limitations?
4. How can this article help you with your final research paper You can use first person with this
5. Write the paper in APA format. You need a cover page, 2-3 pages of text, and a reference page.
a. Use proper in-text citation
b. You must create an outline for this paper. Your paper must follow the outline. It will be
attached to your paper at the end, after the references and is not included in your page count
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The post 1. Read a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article based on , THE TOPIC IS WHAT FACTORS LEAD TO HOMELESSNESS?2. Create an introductory paragraph that lays out the organization of the paper and informs appeared first on Psychology Homework.