1000 1200 words essay excellent english no plagiarism no grammar errors 1

Instructions :
Question to be answered in the short paper:
As a penultimate assignment for this course consider why and how gender inequalities exist and persist over time. Recent empirical work builds on the ‘doing gender’ framework to compare the observable behaviours of Hindu and of Muslim women in private and in public social contexts and demonstrates the “multidimensionality” of gender. Other research focuses on how church leaders and some Mormon women collaborate to ‘construct gendered background expectations”, including gender inequality, and how those expectations came to be ‘embedded into the institutional and theological structure” of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Both these articles will provide an substantive basis for considering both social and individual aspects of systems that promote inequality.
1. Begin by reading the West and Zimmerman (1987) article on doing gender, followed by West and Zimmerman (2009) and West and Fenstermaker (1995), Frable (1997), Ridgeway and Correll (2004), and Ridgeway (2009). Taken together these articles should help you build your own “theoretically-informed” framework that explicates the social and individual dimensions of ‘systems’ of inequality. (about 1000-1200 words).
2. Use this framework to comment on the intersection of gender and religion, as discussed in the papers by Sumerau, and Cragun (2015) and Desai and Temsah (2014). Focus your comments on how systems of gender and of religion work together on both social and individual levels to produce, and maintain, inequality. Finally, address the extent to which and how systems of religion might be tied to systems of gender equality (1000-1200 words).
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