12 page research paper analyzing 3 italian films and 3 italian places

Research Project: 12 page paper (double spaced)
Below is a list of sites that appear in the films you will watch. You need to write on all three of them.
*EUR (Metro: EUR Fermi) in L’eclisse by Michelangelo Antonion
*The Trevi Fountain in La Dolce Vita by Federico Fellini
*Pompeii in A Journey To Italy by Robert Rossellini
Directions on writing the paper:
1. Establish the setting in detail, based on your direct experience of the place and its milieu. Focus on architecture, environment, space, design, decorative elements (if any), etc. When applicable, address the historical and cultural significance of the place. In short, describe the setting in specific terms along with your personal response (your thoughts and impressions). Think of yourself as a guide helping your reader discover a place he/she has not visited.
2. On your return to Boulder, visit Norlin and look up materials on the sites which deal with their history, art, and culture.
3. Analyze how each setting appears on film by watching the relevant sequences. How are they cinematically rendered? What are their specific functions? What are their new thematic and visual contexts? What are the issues that revolve around them? In other words, focus on how each site has been transformed on film and what they now represent.
Your paper should be 12 (or more) pages long. Please consult 4-5 secondary sources. These should be scholarly essays (as opposed to reviews and write-ups) available in print or online. The assigned readings will not qualify. Please type double space with margins on the left.
Use Times New Roman, 12-point font. Provide a title page. Number the pages.
When using secondary sources, please be sure to follow standard documentation procedures, otherwise you’ll be guilty of plagiarism. All sources should be documented in the body of the essay and in the Works Cited page. The title page and Works Cited Page are separate from the essay and not part of the required number of pages.

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