12 point font, double spaced, 5 pages long, MLA format, sources cited properly. 1. Summarize a specific incident in which your selected group endured prejudice, discrimination and/or persecution. Include the reason the group was mistreated. 25 points 2. Select a social institution and discuss how the group has been or currently is mistreated, underrepresented or harmed. 3. Identify the current laws that protect these groups from discrimination. (POSITIVE) and/or the laws that have affected your selected group. (NEGATIVE). 4. Address their present day social standing-demographic variables- in comparison to the dominate group. Also, incorporate personal example and/or observations. 5. Apply one of the three major sociological theories to the selected topic. Each of the 5 topics should be addressed and in order. One page per topic is expected. You will not be penalized if you exceed the deliverable length of 5 pages. The topic that I chose was Black Supremacy. Slavery, Martin Luther King, etc.
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