2 easy multiple choice question dont bid unless you know the answers

1. Which statement is objective?
Newtonâ€s rules explain how gravity affects objects.
The history of black hole detection is very interesting.
The scientists who make discoveries are brilliant.
Albert Einstein is the most famous of all the scientists.
2. Read the excerpt from A Black Hole Is NOT a Hole by Carolyn Cinami DeCristofano.
Einstein’s idea of gravity had big consequences. It helped explain some observations that Newton’s idea didn’t account for. It also opened our minds to amazing new possibilities. For example, taking his cue from Einstein’s idea that space bends, scientist Karl Schwarzschild began to think about what would happen if a place in space were extremely distorted. His answer: light would follow the hyper-bent space, never to turn away from it. This was the first prediction of a black hole. At first, some scientists (including Einstein!) rejected Schwarzschild’s ideas. Others were intrigued and began searching the skies for real black holes. Just decades later, they found the first of them. It just goes to show: sometimes, as Einstein himself once said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.”
Which is an objective statement about the excerpt?
Einstein was a more enlightened thinker than Isaac Newton.
Einsteinâ€s ideas about gravity affected the way scientists viewed space.
Karl Schwarzschild could never have succeeded without Einsteinâ€s assistance.
Karl Schwarzschildâ€s predictions were the most impressive scientific thinking in history.

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