please read the directions below carefully write a 2 page essay on “INTEGRATION OF FRANCISCAN TRADITION” HOW IT RELATES TO MY TOPIC WITH EXCELLENCE AND INTEGRITY. HERE IS MY TOPIC “Mozart expressed his great talent as a versatile musical composer please use MLA format and write in the 3rd person 12pt times new roman please use full citations.
Integration of Franciscan Tradition Essay
1. Submit the following part of your essay paper How does it relate to the Franciscan Tradition how does it relate to my topic with Excellence and Integrity
2. The title Integration of Franciscan Tradition should be placed at the left margin on the first line of the first page of this section.
3. Write a 2 page essay in which you will discuss:
a. The integration of the Franciscan Tradition in your ELP process and how it was related to the course and the topic.
b. Thoughtful reflections on the integration should be included in your essay.
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