To gain the full ten points for this (and your other) discussion posts please: 1) Click on my initial question/post below to view this week’s discussion question.
2) Once you have your notes ready, respond to the prompt in two-to-three paragraphs using specific moments from the week’s readings. This response should include at least 3 cited quotations, it should make at least 1 reference to the week’s lecture, and it should demonstrate that you have completed all of the assigned reading, listening, and viewing activities. Quotations should be formatted to look like the following example, and they should be followed by analysis sentences that demonstrate how or why the quote is important. Failure to analyze your quotes will result in a loss of points.
Example: “I was especially struck by Anzaldúa’s comment about her student misunderstanding the word “homophobia,” thinking that it meant “a fear of going home” (42). In addition to resonating with Anzaldúa’s distance from her home community in “the Valley,” her retelling of this misunderstanding also seems to be an ironic reference to the ways that her own identity impelled her to leave her family. This seemed to me to connect to Lorde’s comment that women, and especially queer and black women, sometimes need their own spaces where “you don’t have to reinvent the pencil every time you want to send a message” (78). Both Anzaldúa’s rejection of home and Lorde’s efforts to raise Jonathan seem to require “reinventing the pencil” in order to develop new kinds of families and identities. We can also see this when…
Both of this week’s readings focus on the issues that arise when you have to form your identity in relation to a larger community. For Lorde, this process involves rethinking about the possibilities for raising her son as a strong young man without teaching him to lose touch with his vulnerability. For Anzaldua, this process demands that she create new possibilities for femininity and identity beyond the categories that she finds at hand in her home community near the border.
Using specific quotes from these readings, please discuss how each author’s search for self, family, and respect are complicated by the assumptions and actions of those around them. If you are having trouble getting started, consider writing about the different meanings that home and family have for each of these authors. Did you relate to any of the experiences featured in either of these readings? If so, how? If not, what about the authors’ writing make experiences of difference relatable to readers of different identities?
note: i cant upload the podcast because the website doesn’t support mp3. if you want i can email it to you or just don’t mention it
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