2 part question 2 different due dates 5 31 20 6 4 20

Prepare an Annotated Outline for Signature Assignment
Your Signature Assignment due in Week 12 requires you to craft an assessment plan for a large organization. You will assume the role of an I/O consultant who has been asked to address a number of internal issues such as a pattern of selecting poor candidates for employment and promotion, diversity issues and discrimination, low employee morale and ineffective training programs. You are tasked to help the organization to understand some of the inner organizational problems that may be contributing to these problems. As part of your plan to understand these issues further, you would like to propose an assessment plan using a validated test battery. You must convince the board of directors of this organization that conducting a needs assessment and approaching these issues through assessment procedures is the way to go!
This week, your task is to locate 10 articles for use in your signature assignment that discuss assessments and measurements that are useful in helping organizations select the best candidates for promotion, certification/training, or selection. You will create an annotated outline for your Signature Assignment incorporating the 10 articles you have selected.
Length: 2-3 page outline plus reference page
Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to the topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.
Prepare an Assessment Plan Proposal
You have been asked as an I/O consultant to submit an assessment plan proposal for a large health-care organization that needs to address a number of internal issues such as a pattern of selecting poor candidates for employment and promotion, diversity issues and discrimination, low employee morale and ineffective training programs for its nurses. Management is struggling with the hiring and retention of quality nurses, including language and cultural issues with international hires.
You are being tasked to help the organization to understand some of the inner organizational problems that may be contributing to these problems. As part of your plan to understand these issues further, you need to develop a proposal to address how the stated staffing problems can be improved by using a validated assessment strategy. You must convince the board of directors of this organization that solving these issues through a sound testing program is the way to go! You are to prepare a proposal for a new selection and promotion assessment process for nurses to the board of directors and managerial leadership. As you develop your assessment plan, you should consider the following:

What are the benefits and challenges of assessment in organizations?
How are assessment data and results utilized to make important decisions and organization changes?
Why is proper interpretation of results/feedback one of the most essential steps to the assessment process in organizations?
What is your best selling point for using assessment in this organization for the purpose of: employment selection, addressing diversity issues and discrimination, low employee morale?
What does the current research and best practices tell us about using assessment to address some or all of these issues within the workplace?
What are the negative consequences of using outdated, inadequate or inappropriate assessment tools? Essentially, this is asking what happens when an organization uses an assessment that fails to measure what is needed to make important organizational decisions. How might you remedy this issue?
As an I/O practitioner, what best practices guidelines would you develop for an organization or workplace to ensure proper use, selection and interpretation of assessments used in a selection process for nurses?

Support your paper with at least 10 scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources may be included.
Length: 15-20 pages
Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to the topic. Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

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