2 writing questions each one is 250 wards

1) Binding versus Persuasive Authority. A county court in Illinois is deciding a case involving an issue that has never been addressed before in that stateâ€s courts. The Iowa Supreme Court, however, recently decided a case involving a very similar fact pattern. Is the Illinois court obligated to follow the Iowa Supreme Courtâ€s decision on the issue? If the United States Supreme Court had decided a similar case, would that decision be binding on the Illinois court? Explain.
2) Standing to Sue. Jack and Maggie Turton bought a house in Jefferson County, Idaho, located directly across the street from a gravel pit. A few years later, the county converted the pit to a landfill. The landfill accepted many kinds of trash that cause harm to the environment, including major appliances, animal carcasses, containers with hazardous content warnings, leaking car batteries, and waste oil. The Turtons complained to the county, but the county did nothing. The Turtons then filed a lawsuit against the county alleging violations of federal environmental laws pertaining to groundwater contamination and other pollution. Do the Turtons have standing to sue? Why or why not? (See Basic Judicial Requirements.)

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