250 words and 11 slides

Part 1
Describe an event (or a thing) that you have personally experienced in your own life that could be a hazard to some and a threat to others.
Entry must be at least 250 words. No references or citations are necessary.
Part 2
Tessile, S. A., a company based in Turin, Italy, is a medium-size company that manufactures, sells, and exports textiles. An increased demand for the company’s high-quality textiles has led to the approval by its CEO, Giuseppe Franco, to implement a major expansion to other markets. Mr. Franco is seen as a visionary leader in the textile industry as he transformed a cotton plantation company into one of the major textiles companies in northern Italy.
Mr. Franco recently led an aggressive and successful series of acquisitions of wineries in southern and central Italy. Mr. Franco wants to follow these acquisitions by purchasing and introducing Tessile S.A. to the tourist and cheese industries. However, these last winery acquisitions left the company in serious debt and with its shares losing value due to the perceived negative view of Mr. Franco’s strategy by its shareholders moving away from their core textile business.
You have been assigned to advise Tessile, S.A. board of directors on identifying potential hazards, threats, and risks of Tessile’s business strategies.
Create a PowerPoint presentation that consists of at least 11 slides with a separate title slide and reference slide (not included in your number count). Be sure to include the following information in your presentation:

Explain the process you will use to identify potential hazards, threats, and risks of the company’s current business strategies.
Identify the potential hazards, threats, and risks that you discovered when using your process.

Be sure to include notes in your presentation where necessary. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.
Newsome, B. (2014). A practical introduction to security and risk management. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

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