3 4 page management research paper

Background Information

In this project, your team is to assume the role of an HR/OB consulting team. Your task is to advise the senior management team of a company that is looking for guidance on HRM/OB practices targeted toward the Generation Z (born in 1990s). The company believes that it is behind in implementing HR practices that will help to recruit, motivate and retain employees from this generation. As a result, your team has been asked to analyze and recommend one HR/OB practice as a priority for implementation to help the company begin to move forward in this area.
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Project Content
This project requires that your team make a compelling, but balanced business case for implementation of an HR practice that takes into account both the benefits of implementing the practice as well as the potential risks. More specifically, your team should:

Select an HR/OB practice that is particularly relevant to Generation Z and make a convincing case for why this practice relates to this generation. As a starting point, consider our discussion in class related to the needs of this generation. Do additional research to identify characteristics of this generation that support your case.
Describe the HR/OB practice. Give sufficient detail to provide a clear understanding of how you would implement it. To support this description, provide an example of its implementation in at least one organization that you consider to be a best practice, including evidence of the positive results of this implementation. You may draw this example from the popular press or from real life examples that you glean from discussions/interviews with business contacts. In summary, the senior management in your organization is more likely to believe that this practice can be successful if they clearly understand how it works and have evidence of its successful implementation in another organization.
Make the strategic business case for how this practice can impact organizational effectiveness. What types of tangible and intangible benefits can be realized by implementing this practice? Explain your rationale.
Provide a balanced assessment by identifying costs, disadvantages, potential risks to implementing the practice (e.g., employee reactions, ethical considerations, legal considerations, etc.).
Describe important considerations for the effective implementation of this practice. This includes, but is not limited to, characteristics of organizations and their employees that would provide the best environment to implement this practice, recommendations to address/mitigate the potential risks you have identified, and horizontal alignment of other HR practices to support the practice you are recommending (e.g., organizational policies, training, etc.). In summary, to determine whether this practice is a good fit for the organization and how to maximize its effectiveness, senior management will need to understand the “critical to success” implementation factors.
Outline a plan to measure the success of the practice. What measures will be important? How will you collect the data?

Report results of the teamâ€s analysis and provide recommendations that include action items that can be followed by managers.

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