3 different assignment

Research paper
In Unit VII, you will be writing a research paper on a domestic terrorist incident that has occurred in the United States. With this in mind, please complete Parts I and II below, which will serve as the first steps toward meeting the requirements for the Unit VII Research Paper.
Part I: Research Paper Topic
For the Unit I assignment, conduct the research to identify a domestic terrorist incident that has occurred in the United States. This topic research can be accomplished through an Internet web search and through the CSU Online Library. The CSU Online Library has several databases, including the International Security & Counter Terrorism Reference Center database. The CSU Online Library can be accessed via the myCSU Student Portal.
Part II: Research Topic Justification
In a minimum of one paragraph (approximately 250 words), identify your topic of choice, and discuss your rationale for choosing the topic. Why is it important to the field of homeland security? Does it meet the criteria listed above? This topic must be approved by your professor. Once the topic has been approved, you will complete an outline, but that will be performed in Unit II.
You do not need to submit the references for this assignment, but references will be required in Unit II for your annotated bibliography.
Parts I and II should be completed in a one-page document. If you have any questions, please contact your instructor.
The following resource(s) may help you with this assignment.

The Quadrennial Homeland Security Review Report (QHSR) is a regular quadrennial review and assessment of homeland security and identifies homeland security missions and goals to protect the United States. The five missions and goals are identified on page 15 of the textbook reading.
Choose one of the five QHSR missions. Conduct research on the mission and goals using the CSU Online Library (e.g., the International Security and Counter Terrorism Reference Center database) or other scholarly resources, and discuss the following issues:

Choose one mission, and explain the purpose of the mission and goals.
Conduct research, and identify a hazard or risk where the mission has been utilized to protect the United States.
Analyze and evaluate whether the goals of the mission were accomplished.
Discuss the outcome and whether the mission and goals require revision to improve homeland security.

The essay should be a minimum of two pages in length, and it should contain a title page and reference page. The title and reference pages do not count toward meeting the minimum page requirement.
Format the paper using APA style. Write the essay in a formal writing style rather than a conversational writing style. Include two scholarly references, one of which can be the textbook. At least one source should be from the CSU Online Library since it is a valuable resource for homeland security information.
The following resource(s) may help you with this assignment.

Outline and Annotated Bibliography
In Unit VII, you will be asked to address the following issues based on the topic you chose in Unit I:

Identify the conventional or unconventional hazard type.
Analyze the U.S. Department of Homeland Security documents that were utilized to implement the planning and response efforts.
Discuss how these documents were used to facilitate the response efforts.
Evaluate if the response agencies successfully responded to the incident.

After reviewing the aforementioned requirements for the Unit VII Research Paper, complete Parts I and II below.
Part I: Research Paper Outline
After your research paper topic is approved, use the four criteria mentioned above to write a brief outline, which will be the basis for your research paper, and identify how the four criteria pertain to the domestic terrorist incident.
Part II: Annotated Bibliography
Next, list five scholarly references from the CSU Online Library that support your research paper topic and paper. Include a brief summary for each reference that will cover the material related to the research paper criteria. The annotated bibliography identifies the reference, description, and how it pertains to the research paper. Also, in your bibliography, you should provide a brief description that explains why you believe the selected incident will serve as good basis for evaluating the response process and the role it plays as it relates to domestic terrorism. Use APA style to format the references.
Please click the link below to review the CSU Success Centerâ€s tutorial on creating an annotated bibliography.
Columbia Southern University Success Center. (n.d.). Annotated bibliographies: How to write an effective annotated bibliography. Retrieved from http://columbiasouthern.adobeconnect.com/annotatedbib/
The research outline and annotated bibliography should be a minimum of two pages in length. This assignment will be submitted as one document.

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