4 DISCUSSIONS DUE IN 72 HOURSDeveloping Relationships [WLOs: 1, 3] [CLOs:   2,

Developing Relationships [WLOs: 1, 3] [CLOs:   2, 3]
Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 5 and watch Rita Pierson at TED Talks Education: Every Kid Needs a Champion (Links to an external site.).
Review the week 2 Jose and Olivia (Links to an external site.) interactivity for new information. Select one of these students to write about. In your response, discuss how you will work to develop a relationship with this student. Share at least three different strategies you will use to ensure you build a connection with your student. Explain why you think each of your strategies will make a positive impact. Additionally, share at least two different suggestions/strategies that you will suggest to his/her parent(s) to further build this bond. Lastly, give an example from Rita Pierson’s TED Talk that will help you explain why you think it is so important to develop a relationship with every young child.
Culture and Behavior [WLOs: 2, 3] [CLOs: 2, 3]
Prior to beginning work on this discussion, re-read Section 1.3 and Chapter 6 in your textbook. Additionally, read America’s Hispanic Children: Gaining Ground, Looking Forward (Links to an external site.).
When addressing challenging behavior, it is important for teachers to understand students’ culture and background. Utilize the new cultural information you learned about Olivia and Jose this week to address your discussion forum prompt. If you select Jose for this week’s prompt, discuss the behaviors of hitting his peers or not following the classroom rules. If you select Olivia  for this week’s prompt, discuss the behaviors of impulsivity or addressing her peers negatively.
For your discussion prompt, choose Olivia or Jose and address the following questions:
· How will you approach the situation differently with what you learned about the cultural backgrounds of Jose and Olivia?
· What can you do to better support Olivia or Jose in the classroom and the child’s parents at home?
· Now that you know more about Olivia and Jose, what additional strategies can you use to help the child be successful within the classroom and at home?
Guidance Strategies [WLOs: 1] [CLO: 2]
Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 9 of the course text and Planning for Positive Guidance: Powerful Interactions Make a Difference (Links to an external site.).
Over the course of time, many guidance strategies have emerged in an effort to help us guide children’s behaviors. Choose one of the following guidance strategies to elaborate on: developmental discipline, teacher effectiveness training, collaborative problem solving, positive reinforcement, natural and logical consequences, time-out, or time-away. You may utilize the following recommended resources to help you better understand the guidance strategies; however, please continue to search for additional insight regarding these strategies.
· Developmental Discipline: Guiding Principles (Links to an external site.)
· Teacher Effectiveness Training (T.E.T. Philosophy) (Links to an external site.)
· The Collaborative Problem Solving® (CPS) Approach (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
· Natural and Logical Consequences (Links to an external site.)
· Time-Out or Time-Away? Consequences for Children (Links to an external site.)
For your discussion response, answer the following questions:
· What did you learn about your chosen strategy and what information surprised you?
· How will you use this information in the future?
· Will your chosen guidance strategy work for the child you chose in Week 2? Why or why not?
· If your chosen strategy will not work for your student, which of the other listed strategies would work for your student and why?
· Create a challenging behavior scenario for your chosen student (Jose or Olivia) for your peers to solve (e.g., a problem on the playground, walking to lunch, center time or circle time, etc.). Please be sure to review the Guided Response so you offer your peers the necessary information to complete the response.
Functional Behavior [WLOs: 3, 4] [CLOs:   1, 2, 4]
Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 10 in your textbook and review The Four Functions of Behavior Made Simple (Links to an external site.).
For your discussion response, review Jazmine’s behavior within section 10.1 in your textbook and answer the following questions:
· Which two methods of data described in Jazmine’s scenario do you think will best identify the problem behavior and determine the functions of a behavior? Explain why.
· Based on Jazmine’s data, who would you bring in to be a part of her behavior team?
· Name her problem behavior and identify the functions of the behavior.
· How can you use her preferences and strengths (i.e., her energy, her persistence, her intelligence, her love of drawing) to change her challenging behavior into an acceptable behavior?
· Create one short-term goal for Jazmine.
· Create one long-term goal for Jazmine.
Required Resources
Kaiser, B., & Sklar Rasminsky, J. (2017). Challenging behavior in young children: Understanding, preventing, and responding effectively (4th ed.). Retrieved from https://content.ashford.edu
· Chapter 5: Relationship, Relationship, Relationship
· Chapter 6: Opening the Culture Door
Degel Sanchez, D., Steece-Doran, D., & Jablon, J. (2013, December/January). Planning for positive guidance: Powerful interactions make a difference (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from https://www.naeyc.org/resources/pubs/tyc/dec2012/planning-for-positive-guidance
· In this article, the authors provide information about positive guidance strategies that will assist you in your Guidance Strategies discussion forum this week.
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DiNovi, B., & Ward, T. A. (2018, January 22). The four functions of behavior made simple (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from http://bsci21.org/the-four-functions-of-behavior-made-simple
· This article provides information about the four functions of behavior and will assist you in your Functional Behavior discussion forum this week.
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Webster, J. (2018, May 7). ABC: Antecedent, behavior, consequence (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/abc-antecedent-behavior-and-consequence-3111263
· This article provides information about the ABCs of behavior and will assist you in your A-B-C Analysis of Target Behaviors assignment this week.
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Web Page
IRIS Center. (n.d.). Functional behavioral assessment: Identifying the reasons for problem behavior and developing a behavior plan (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from https://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu/module/fba/
· This module provides information about functional behavior assessments and will assist you in your A-B-C Analysis of Target Behaviors assignment this week.
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Pierson, R. (2013, May). Rita Pierson at TED Talks Education: Every kid needs a champion (Links to an external site.) [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.ted.com/talks/rita_pierson_every_kid_needs_a_champion
· This video features Rita Pierson, a teacher of 40 years, and provides information about connecting with students on a real level. It will assist you with your Developing Relationships discussion forum this week. This video has closed captioning and a transcript that can be accessed here: Rita Pierson at TED Talks Education: Every Kid Needs a Champion: Transcript (Links to an external site.).
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Supplemental Materials
Evertson, C., & Poole, I. (n.d.). Establishing classroom norms & expectations (Links to an external site.) [Case study unit]. Retrieved from https://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu/wp-content/uploads/pdf_case_studies/ics_norms.pdf  
· This case study provides information about setting norms and expectations within the classroom and will assist you in your Appropriate Behavior Expectations Case Study assignment this week.
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Murphey, D., Guzman, L., & Torres, A. (2014). America’s Hispanic children: Gaining ground, looking forward (Links to an external site.) (Publication No. 2014-38). Retrieved from https://www.childtrends.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/2014-38AmericaHispanicChildren.pdf
· This report provides information about the culture of Hispanic children within America and will assist you in your Culture and Behavior discussion forum this week.
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Recommended Resource
Huang, C.-Y. (2018, July 19). How culture influences children’s development (Links to an external site.). The Conversation. Retrieved from https://theconversation.com/how-culture-influences-childrens-development-99791
· This article discusses various ways in which culture influences children’s development and behavior and may assist you in your Culture and Behavior discussion forum this week
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