Analyse the legal and ethical considerations in caring for older adults with health problems.

Analyse the legal and ethical considerations in caring for older adults with health problems.

Health of older adults (nursing core subject)
Order Description
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You will need continual access to the following text(s) to complete this course. The library does not hold multiple copies of the nominated text books. It is strongly recommended that you purchase the book(s).
Berman A Snyder S Levett-Jones T Dwyer T Hales M Harvey N Luxford Y Moxham L 2014 Kozier and Erbs Fundamentals of Nursing Volumes 1-3 Australian Edition 3e Pearson Australia NSW.
LeMone P Burke TM Dwyer T Levett-Jones T Moxham L Reid-Searl K Berry K Carville K Ha 2011 Medical-Surgical Nursing: Critical Thinking in Client Care with MyNursingKit 2nd edn Pearson Australia NSW.
Tollefson J 2010 Clinical psychomotor skills: assessment tools for nursing students 5th edn Cengage Australia VIC.
Course Content
Older adult developmental theories healthy ageing habilitation/rehabilitation disability health promotion safety and risk assessment: legal and ethical perspectives advocacy advanced directives palliative care and end of life issues quality use of medicines polypharmacy pathophysiology health assessment nursing management of common illnesses affecting the older person evidence based practice cultural knowledge.
Course Aim
The aim of this course is to develop students knowledge and skills to assist older adult populations experiencing complex health problems achieve optimal health across a variety of contexts.
Course Objectives
On completion of this course students should be able to:
CO1. Apply pathophysiological knowledge to inform clinical decision making and management of care for older adults presenting with health problems.
CO2. Conduct a health assessment on older adults in a simulated environment.
CO3. Apply an evidence-based framework to develop implement and evaluate a plan of care for older adults presenting with health problems.
CO4. Explain an inter-professional model of care for the management of older adults with health problems.
CO5. Apply pharmacological knowledge and principles in the management of care for older adults with health problems.
CO6. Analyse the legal and ethical considerations in caring for older adults with health problems.
CO7. Apply the principles of quality safety and risk management in caring for older adults presenting with health problems.
Welcome to studying the course NURS 2024 Health of Older Adults.
Caring for older people in the community acute and residential aged care facilities is a diverse and complex area of practice providing many opportunities and challenges to the contemporary Registered Nurse.


smilesmile. .


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