Analyze primary, secondary, and tertiary couple and family counseling interventions provided by community resources. Application: Community Counseling Resources

Analyze primary, secondary, and tertiary couple and family counseling interventions provided by community resources.
Application: Community Counseling Resources

George Albee, commonly known as the “father” of prevention, stated in 1958 that the mental health profession will never be able to train enough mental health professionals to adequately treat those individuals with mental health problems. The solution, he suggested, is to target mental health services toward the prevention of mental health difficulties (Albee, 1959). The counseling profession as a whole has prevention at its historical and aspirational roots, and marriage, couple, and family counseling is no exception. In fact, marriage, couple, and family counseling possesses unique qualities that can aid in preventative interventions to families and couples across the lifespan.

As a marriage, couple, and family counselor, you will be required to be aware of and be able to evaluate the mental health services provided in your community, from treatment to primary preventative interventions. For this Assignment, select one issue from the following list: substance abuse, domestic violence, child abuse and neglect, child/adolescent drug/alcohol abuse, or depression. Identify a resource in your own community that provides primary, secondary, and tertiary interventions for the issue you selected. Then, consider any gaps that may exist in the interventions provided and how you might address them.


Albee, G. W. (1959). Mental health manpower trends. New York: Basic Books.

The assignment (2–3 pages)

Analyze primary, secondary, and tertiary couple and family counseling interventions provided by community resources. Remember that “primary services” focus mainly on preventative efforts and those services geared towards early intervention. “Secondary services” can be described as those services, such as screening, assessment, and intervention in which direct care is provide for active concerns and issues. “Tertiary Care” is defined as specialized care and/or services provided to a client family upon referral, such as vocational rehabilitation, case management, and specialized aftercare.”(Ballard, n.d.)
Identify the issue you selected.
Describe the community resource you selected related to this issue, including the primary, secondary, and/or tertiary intervention(s) it provides for your community.
Describe any gaps that may exist in the interventions that the resource provides.
Explain how you might address these gaps. Be specific


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