Discussion question. Please read rubric grading criteria!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bounded Rationality

  • Explain what Bounded Rationality is.
  • Then discuss how this concept can affect the decision situation in SLP 3.
  • Also discuss how this concept can affect the data analysis in Case 3.
  • Explain your logic for both of your arguments. Are there any similarities between these two situations?

Week 1: Provide your initial discussion post to the question. Be sure to include references to any resources you used. You should use at least one resource to help you with your initial discussion.

Week 2: Respond to at least two of your classmates’ initial posts. Your response should be substantive and further the discussion. It is OK to be critical and use critical thinking. That means you can question what your classmates say. Do they provide their own critical thinking and logic?

Rubric Name: MBA/MSHRM/MSL Discussion Grading Rubric – Timeliness v1


Initial posting reveals a clear understanding of all aspects of the threaded discussion question; uses factual and relevant information; and demonstrates full development of concepts.

Initial posting demonstrates legitimate reflection and answers most aspects of the threaded discussion question; full development of concepts is not evidenced.

Initial posting demonstrates some reflection and answers some aspects of the threaded discussion question; Limited development of concepts is evident.

Initial posting was not on topic; the response was unrelated to threaded discussion question; and post demonstrated only superficial thought and poor preparation.

Responded to the required number of students and to the professor, if appropriate, for every discussion. Demonstrated analysis of others’ posts; extends meaningful discussions by building on previous peer posts and offering alternative perspectives.

Responded to almost all of the required students and to the professor, if appropriate, for every discussion. Provided comments and new information to other posts; not all responses promote further discussion of the topic.

Responded to some students and to the professor, if appropriate, for every discussion. Little depth in response; agreed or acknowledged one other classmate’s initial posting.

Did not respond to any student or the professor.

Refers to and properly cites either course and/or outside readings in both initial posting and responses to peers.

Refers to and properly cites course and/or outside reading in initial posting only.

Makes some reference to assigned readings with some citations or cites questionable sources.

Makes no reference to assigned readings without citations or cites questionable sources.

Demonstrates mastery conceptualizing the problem; viewpoints and assumptions of experts are analyzed, synthesized, and evaluated; and conclusions are logically presented with appropriate rationale.

Demonstrates considerable proficiency conceptualizing the problem; viewpoints and assumptions of experts are analyzed, synthesized, and evaluated; and conclusions are presented with necessary rationale.

Demonstrates partial proficiency conceptualizing the problem; viewpoints and assumptions of experts are analyzed, synthesized, and evaluated; and conclusions are somewhat consistent with the analysis and findings.

Demonstrates limited or poor proficiency conceptualizing the problem; viewpoints and assumptions of experts are analyzed, synthesized, and evaluated; and conclusions are either absent or poorly conceived and supported.

Initial post occurs in a timely manner (1 – 3 days into module) allowing ample time for classmates to respond and engage.

Initial post occurs later (4 – 5 days into module) allowing limited time for classmates to respond and engage.

Initial post occurs substantially late (6-7 days into module) allowing minimal to no time for classmates to respond and engage.

Initial post occurs after the first week of the module.

Overall Score

NOTE: Please use peer reviewed scholarly articles for references!!!


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