Ethical or social responsibility issue or problem affecting hiring (HR ethics) – 8 pages in 24hours

Case study: Your final course project is a case study of an ethical or social responsibility issue or problem affecting your employer, profession, or industry. The project will describe the issue or problem, analyze the problem from ethical, business, and scholarly perspectives, and recommend a solution. (hint: this paper has to focus on hiring ethics from HR – the company Im working for is a university, and the HR department hires relatives of board of directors or relatives of managers, and workers. Please dont focus on professors’ hiring process, as Im not aware of what criteria school has for them. I am currently working on the admissions department, and every new employee is related to someone) – the book used “Business ethics” third edition, by Laura Hartman, ISBN: 978-0-07-802945-5, I would like one citation from the book, at least. Please see below for the points that need to be addressed:
The length of this paper should be 8-10 pages, excluding the title page, table of contents, reference page(s), and appendices. The case study must follow APA 6th edition formatting guidelines, including spelling and grammar, and use at least 3-4 peer-reviewed information sources. Wikipedia and other social content websites are not permissible as sources for this case study. No abstract or table of contents is required.

Make sure the following points are addressed:

Description and dimensions of the issue; specify boundaries of your study.
Why is this a problem that needs to be addressed? (Include quantitative and qualitative reasons. Integrate/analyze the data to demonstrate the importance of addressing the problem.)

What approaches have been taken to date to address this issue?
What are the deficiencies of these approaches?
Analyze the problem using at least three of the concepts and theories presented in the textbook, assigned readings, videos, blogs, and class discussions as well as information gathered during the problem definition and your experiences.

What argument would you use to persuade management or other decision makers to support your recommendation?
Describe additional empirical research, which would be useful in further supporting your recommendation.

Case Study Outline

Title Page (not counted as content)
Introduction (1 page)
Problem Description and Statement
Summary and Conclusions
Reference Page (not counted as content)
Appendices ( not counted as content)

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