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European/Russian New Cultural Mixing:
Chapters 5 & 6 of Cities of the World describes in detail the European and Russian cities of London, Paris, Barcelona, Oslo, Berlin, Bucharest, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Norilsk, Kazan and Vladivostok. Please see the maps at the beginning of each chapter. Note that the textbook does not include Russia with the Asian countries (see the map at the beginning of Chapter 6).
In Chapter 5, the author states, “The rebuilding of Western Europeâ€s urban infrastructure and industry after World War II generated strong demand for labor, especially in the cities of the more prosperous countries. In the 1950s and 1960s, rural-to-urban migration fueled urban growth. In addition, foreign guest workers were brought in to fill low-wage assembly-line and service-sector jobs that the more skilled domestic labor would not take. Guest workers came from the countries of Mediterranean Europe and former colonies. Then West Germany attracted immigrants from Turkey and Yugoslavia; France brought in workers from northern and western Africa; and Britain drew on Commonwealth citizens from the Caribbean, India, and Pakistan. In the European Union today, about 7 percent—about 35 million—of the people were born outside its 28 member countries … Europeâ€s aging population coupled with demand for low-wage labor means that some jobs will continue to be filled by immigrants. But there has been an anti-immigrant backlash by some people, often xenophobic and racist, against newcomers as well as minorities.” Chapter 6 tells us that Russia has also experienced cultural mixing, especially since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. “Soviet neighborhoods were often ethnically and socioeconomically intermixed, but today depending on the city, stratification by socioeconomic class and sometimes by ethnicity is beginning to occur, as upwardly mobile residents choose to live in newly constructed, high-security apartments or McMansions in suburban or exurban locations.”
What kinds of problems have resulted in the new cultural mixing that is occurring in both Europe and Russia?

Go to National Geographic at: Click on “Feature Article” and read the 2-page article entitled “Marseilleâ€s Melting Pot”.
Using the given sources, write a 7-paragraph paper (3 pages maximum; points will be deducted for not following instructions) answering the following questions:

National Geographic may block online access to the article. I have copied the article onto the end of this assignment sheet for your convenience.
Also go to YouTube at: and watch “France Hides State Racism Behind Secularism-BBC” (31:11 minutes).

Where is Marseille? You will have to do additional research to answer this question. (2 points)

Europe is experiencing cultural mixing and many of Marseilleâ€s recent immigrants are from the Muslim-world. The far-right politicians are worried that Marseille will eventually find its women required to wear burkas. Is this likely to happen? Why? (4 points)
Is racism present in Marseille? (2 points)
Do you think that racism is present in the rest of Europe? Explain your thoughts. (2 points)

Why does the mayor of Marseille not know the religion, race or ethnicity of cityâ€s citizens? (2 points)

Why has the Grand Mosque of Marseille not been built? What are the most recent developments on the Grand Mosque of Marseille? You will have to do additional research to answer this question. (4 points)

As discussed in the YouTube video, do you agree that Franceâ€s secularism is used as a cover to justify racism or is Franceâ€s secularism supporting religious liberties and cultural mixing? (5 points)

Cite the National Geographic article and the YouTube video, plus at least two additional sources. (4 points)

You may use any citation format that you are comfortable with, however, be certain that all sources are cited inside the text of your paper and at the end. At the end of your paper, give the full bibliographic listing of each source, including videos.
If you do not have a preference, you may use the format listed here… To cite a source within the text of your paper, you can simply place in parenthesis the name of the author, website or organization plus the date published (for example: Mark Maslin, 2009) at the end of the borrowed material. Then at the end of your paper, give the full bibliographic listing of the source, including: author, title, publisher, and copy write date or date information was accessed.
National Geographic; Published: March 2012
Marseille’s Melting Pot

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