Evaluate test procedures and materials to ensure that potentially offensive content or language is avoided (see Unit 7 assignment).

Element 9 states that a test user, “evaluate(s) the available evidence on the performance of test takers of diverse subgroups . . . determine(s) to the extent feasible which performance differences may have been caused by factors unrelated to the skills being assessed.” Together, the previous course assignments and this current one involving Element 9 will provide you with the data, research, and literature reviews across all nine elements of the Code to assist your decision-making process about the appropriate selection of a test.
For this final assignment:
Locate reviews or research related to how Element 9 applies to your selected test. If the research or reviews do not address this element in any way, then you will need to cite the references your reviewed and note that they were lacking in in addressing this element, drawing appropriate conclusions for when a test is lacking such evidence.
Synthesize all of the data and information you gathered on your selected test throughout the course and identify highlights, both positive and negative, both advantages and disadvantages, according to all nine elements of the Code.
Evaluate your selected test based on these data and draw a conclusion about whether or not it is a test that you would select, recommend, or even defend, if necessary in practice. Note: You should not merely copy and paste your earlier assignments for the final paper. Instead you will be synthesizing the research you completed for each element into a summary of that element that you will offer in support of your final evaluation. (For example, note that the technical quality element (that is, Element 5) will be only a synthesis and evaluation and not a repeat of the annotated bibliography you completed in Unit 5.)
Identify the strengths or weaknesses for each element, and determine if the information about that element supports (or opposes) the use of your selected test in the field and population to be served.
Incorporate recommendations about ways to improve the selected test.
Review all of your evaluations for each element and recommended improvements to the test, and write an overall evaluation and determination about the use of your selected test. Would you recommend this test to a school district or business that you are employed as a consultant? Would you be able to defend the use of this test in a court proceeding?
Organize your paper using the following headings:
Title page (required) (one page).
Abstract (required) (one page).
The Code of Fair Testing Practices in Education (a minimum of four pages). (For each element, identify strengths and weaknesses, evaluate the selected test for the element, and make recommendations, if any for improvement, citing appropriate standards of practice.)
Element 1. Purpose: Define the purpose for testing, the content, and skills tested (see Unit 2 assignment).
Element 2. Appropriateness: Evaluate appropriateness of test content, skills tested, and content covered (see Unit 2 assignment).
Element 3. Materials: Evaluate materials for which clear, accurate, and complete information is provided (see Unit 2 assignment).
Element 4. Training: Test users have appropriate knowledge, skills, and training (see Unit 2 assignment).
Element 5. Technical Quality:
Synthesis of evidence of reliability (see Unit 5 assignment).
Synthesis of evidence of validity (see Unit 5 assignment).
Element 6. Test Items and Format: Evaluate test items, test format, directions, manuals and scores (see Unit 7 assignment).
Element 7. Test Procedures and Materials: Evaluate test procedures and materials to ensure that potentially offensive content or language is avoided (see Unit 7 assignment).
Element 8. Modifications and Accommodations: Evaluate if tests provide appropriately modified forms or procedures for test takers with disabilities (see Unit 7 assignment).
Element 9. Group Differences: Evaluate evidence on performance of test takers of diverse subgroups.
Summary (two pages).
Overall recommendation to use the selected test in the field and with populations to be served.
If recommending the use of the selected test, identify the greatest strengths you discovered and determined in its use. Additionally, identify any limitations or concerns that may still exist with its use regardless of the recommendation. Are there still concerns for the test in certain situations?
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