Analyze whether or not the ends (objectives), ways (methods), and means (resources) of U.S. strategy and policy regarding your country of interest (COI) are in balance: this requires evaluating U.S. strategy regarding the COI using reputable sources researched during the course and coming to a conclusion that synthesizes your research and analysis.
An effective response will present the following information in a logical and persuasive way:
• Define the U.S. strategic goals or interests regarding the COI.
• Specify and examine any threats or concerns to our national security interests posed by the COI.
• Identify any risks or problem areas with U.S. policy dealing with the COI.
• Not all COI interests will be a threat to U.S. interests, identify if applicable, shared national security interests and potential opportunities.
• Provide recommendations for strategy or policy revisions that will help balance the ends, ways, and means.
Have notes and resources already prepared? Just need to be presented in an organized fashion that answers the above requirements.
Sample Solution
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Evaluating U.S. strategy regarding the country of interest (Brazil) using reputable sources was first posted on January 13, 2020 at 2:49 am.