Evaluation of a Symptom-triggered Protocol for Alcohol Withdrawal for Use in the Emergency Department
Richman, L. S., Garcia, C., Bouchard, N., Muskin, P. R., & Dzierba, A. L. (2019). Evaluation of a Symptom-triggered Protocol for Alcohol Withdrawal for Use in the Emergency Department, General Medical Wards, and Intensive Care Unit. Journal of Psychiatric Practice®, 25(1), 63-70.
Yitayih, Y., Feyissa, G. T., Adorjan, K., & Soboka, M. (2020). Effectiveness of symptom-triggered regimen versus fixed-dosage regimen of benzodiazepine treatment for alcohol detoxification: a systematic review protocol. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 18(5), 1064-1069.
Two case studies.
Case study 1 substance abuse
case study 2 alcohol symptom triggered protocol
fill in the answers based on the case studies provided.
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