everything is in the description

Web site summary

Visit the web site below related to biopsychology. browse the site thoroughly and answer the following questions:

·         Who created the web site? (person, professional organization, etc.)


·         What is the purpose of the web site?  Who is the target audience?  (If this is not explicitly stated, use your own judgment.


·         What type of information is presented?

·         What additional information (that is not in the class notes and the text) did you find on this web site?  (Again, be specific!)


·         What did you learn about biopsychology from this web site?


·         Do not quote the web site – use your own words to explain it.

 Choose the following web sites:

Dr. Eric Chudler’s Neuroscience pages: http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/introb.html

General directions for assignments

I will take into account the following when grading assignments:

·         Completeness of the assignment:Did you follow the directions?  Did you do what you were asked, or are certain components missing or questions left unanswered?

·         Neatness of the assignment/surface quality: Is the assignment prepared and presented neatly?  Does it appear that you gave it proper time and attention, or does it appear that it was a last-minute effort?  Are there numerous spelling/grammatical/typographical errors?

·         Level of mastery/depth of work: Is it clear that you understand what you are writing about?  Is it evident that you have a firm grasp of course material? Could an interested college student/adult who has not taken the course understand what you are saying?

 Do not quote the web site or article that is to be summarized – use your own words to explain the article.  If you encounter difficulty in understanding the material, please email me and I will help you.

 Basic formatting for all assignments:

·           3 full pages

·         typed, double-spaced

·         all margins 1 inch

·         standard font style and size

·         cover page with your name and description of assignment

·         work should be proofread carefully (don’t rely on the spell-checker!)

·         APA format


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