Evidence Report

will have to create a crime scene sketch hand drawn and take a clear pic of it and send it on here. then create a evidence report with the file i will attach. i will provide an example. please make sure you read the instructions as the last tutor didn’t. this is a big grade for me and can use all the points thank you!

You are a law enforcement first responder who has been dispatched to a call of a residential burglary at 231 Main Street, Dirty City. In addition to writing an evidence log, you need to create a hand-written sketch of the scene and collect evidence. The assigned case number for this sketch and log is 13-00123.
Using your own residence or the residence of a family member or friend, create a hand-drawn (no computer assistance) sketch in the overhead view of 231 Main Street.
Be sure to properly document interior/exterior windows and doors and any additional key elements to the sketch (sheds, outbuildings, etc…as needed)
Properly label your sketch

Label the sketch for proper geographic reference/orientation
Location information
Case number
Date of sketch
Is the sketch “To scale” – Be cautious here. Make sure you understand what you are indicating if you draw this sketch ‘To Scale’

Label evidence items in the sketch
You must include the following items:

Fingerprint on an exterior window
Used cigarette in bathroom
Hammer in kitchen
Screwdriver in a bedroom
Window screen left on the ground below a window
Night watch cap on ground
Half-filled can of beer on the kitchen counter
Photographs you took at the scene (you do not need to take photographs. Just note that you took them and they are being logged as evidence)

Create an evidence list/log
Properly document evidence collection

Property tag # (create a property tag # or use D12345)
Item # (each piece of evidence will have it’s own number)
Item description
Date and time the item was located
Who located the evidence item
Where was the item located
Who collected the item
Who logged the item
Where was the item logged in at
Any request for lab work – Explain why you need it

Additional guidelines:

This assignment will be graded using the Assignment # 2 rubric.
Your paper will be free of plagiarism. The sketch must be hand drawn (no computer assistance). The evidence log must typed.
Your paper will be grammatically sound and free of spelling and punctuation errors.

Formatview longer description

25.0 pts
Full Marks

0.0 pts
No Marks

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSketchview longer description

50.0 pts
Full Marks

0.0 pts
No Marks

50.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSketch and Evidence Labelsview longer description

50.0 pts
Full Marks

0.0 pts
No Marks

50.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, Mechanics, and Punctuation for Sketch and Evidence Labelsview longer description

25.0 pts
Full Marks

0.0 pts
No Marks

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence listview longer description

50.0 pts
Full Marks

0.0 pts
No Marks

50.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, Mechanics, and Punctuation for Evidence listview longer description

25.0 pts
Full Marks

0.0 pts
No Marks

25.0 pts

Total Points: 225.0

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