Examine ethical principles, including the APA Code of Ethics, for practice in psychology and the helping professions. Assignment Week -5 Ethics

Examine ethical principles, including the APA Code of Ethics, for practice in psychology and the helping professions.
Assignment Week -5 Ethics
This week, prepare a presentation that analyzes the role of the mental health professionals and application of psychological practices (testing, interviewing, etc.) used in a prominent court case and their ethical implications.
Specifically, you will evaluate the case of Gary Ramona, an executive with Robert Mondavi Winery, who was accused of molesting his daughter, Holly. See the case overview located under your weekly resources. Gary Ramona would later sue the therapists. The case drew national attention in the United States because it was the first time that a court allowed a therapist to be sued for implanting false memories. In 1994, a California jury ruled that the therapists had implanted false memories and wrongly harmed Gary Ramona.
Imagine you were asked to review Gary Ramona’s lawsuit against his daughter’s therapists with an undergraduate psychology class. Develop a PowerPoint presentation that summarizes the case. Once you have introduced the details and players within the case, highlight the following:
Identify the role of the professionals in the case.
Indicate the legal ruling and, note any relevant standards applied. The Kelly test (also known as Frye, Frye-Kelly) was used here.
Recognize the APA ethical standards and principles violated.
Explain what the professionals should have done in this case.
Reveal the lessons learned from this case.
Support your presentation with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources may be included.
Length: 8-10 slides
Notes Length: 100-150 words for each slide
Create a professional presentation (using PowerPoint, Prezi, etc.) that incorporates appropriate animations, transitions, graphics, and speaker notes. The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists. Be sure to add a reference slide or transition for all the references you use. Be sure to add your last name in the footer of each slide.
Your presentation should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.
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Learning Outcomes
2.0 Examine ethical principles, including the APA Code of Ethics, for practice in psychology and the helping professions.
4.0 Construct appropriate responses to ethical situations in psychology and the helping

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