Examining Early And Middle Childhood Development

Examining Early and Middle Childhood Development
Assignment Context
The focus of this assignment is early and middle childhood. The case studies in the Studies media piece all feature children aged 6. Why age 6? Age 6 is a transitional time in which you can explore early childhood development and how it impacts middle childhood development.
Assignment Instructions
Complete the following:
•Identify the title of the case study you selected.
•Provide an introduction that addresses the general context of development and the specific context of the child in the case study you selected.
•Provide an overview, from an ecological perspective, of the predominant factors of family, society, and culture that could impact this child’s development, including relevant examples from the case profile and supporting research evidence linked to those factors.
•Describe the general expectations for healthy development across developmental domains (cognitive, social and emotional, and physical) that should be evident as children transition from early to middle childhood. Link this description to child psychology developmental theories.
Case Analysis
Complete the following:
•Describe the primary developmental concern. Provide validation by including relevant examples from the case profile and links to supporting research evidence.
•Use child psychology theories (from Unit 1) and current scholarly peer-reviewed research to evaluate at least two of the most prevalent developmental needs of the child in the selected case study (primary concern and secondary concerns). Provide validation and support for your work by including relevant examples from the case profile and supporting research evidence
Complete the following:
•Summarize the developmental and contextual issues that are important in understanding this case. Using relevant examples from the case profile, provide suggestions for appropriate actions or interventions in home or school contexts.
•Link those actions or interventions to evidence from current scholarly research literature.
Assignment Requirements
Your paper should meet the following requirements:
•Written communication: Use the accepted form and style of the psychological professions, employing grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of graduate-level composition and expression.
•References: Include a minimum of six academic, peer-reviewed resources. The course text can be used, but it is not considered one of the peer-reviewed articles.
•APA style and formatting: Format the references and in-text citations according to current APA style and formatting guidelines. Use the MEAL Plan document (given in the resources) to organize the content and include APA headings and subheadings.
•Length of paper: 5–6 typed, double-spaced pages, excluding title and reference pages.
•Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Please refer to the Examining Early and Middle Childhood Development Scoring Guide to ensure you meet the grading criteria for this assignment.
Note: Your instructor may also use the APA Writing Feedback Rubric to provide additional feedback on your academic writing. The writing feedback rubric does not affect your assignment grade, but its feedback may factor into the grading criteria, if professional communication and writing is a course competency. Evaluate your own work using this rubric. Refer to the Learner Guide for instructions on viewing instructor feedback.
Website icon Examining Early and Middle Childhood Development Scoring Guide.
Website icon  APA Style and Format.
Website icon MEAL Plan.
PDF icon APA Writing Feedback Rubric.
PDF icon Learner Guide to APA Writing Feedback Rubric.
Presentation icon Studies | Transcript
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