excel 2019 in practice ch 1 independent project 1 6

Skills Covered in This Project

Create and save a workbook.
Enter labels, dates, and values.
Use the Fill Handle to build series.
Use SUM.
Change font size and attributes.
Adjust column width and row height.
Choose a theme and cell styles.
Choose page layout options.
Rename and apply color to sheet tabs.

Open the EX2019-IndependentProject-1-6 start file. If the workbook opens in Protected View, click the Enable Editing button so you can modify it. The file will be renamed automatically to include your name. Change the project file name if directed to do so by your instructor, and save it.
Apply the Organic theme for the workbook.
Type Livingood Income Tax and Accounting in cell A1 and press Enter.
Type Accounts Receivable in cell A2 and press Enter.
Type the labels in row 4 as shown here in Figure 1-104:

Figure 1-104 Data to be entered

AutoFit columns E:F to display each label in row 4.
Type 8/18/19 in cell A5 to enter the date. In cell A6, type 8/20/19 to set a pattern for the dates.
Select cells A5:A6 and use the Fill Handle to fill in dates to cell A15.
Select cell B5 and type 1001 for the first invoice number. In cell B6, type 1002 to set a pattern for the invoice numbers.
Select cells B5:B6 and use the Fill Handle to fill in invoice numbers to reach cell B15.
Type LITA001 in cell C5 as the first client ID. In cell C6, type LITA002 to set a pattern.
Use the Fill Handle to complete the client ID numbers.
Type 425 in cell D5. In cell D6, type 450 to set the pattern and fill in the amounts.
Type the first two payment dates in column E and fill the cells (Figure 1-105).

Figure 1-105 All columns filled

Type the first three payment types in cells F5:F7 and then use the Fill Handle to complete the cells in column F.
Format data.

Select cells C5:C15, increase the indent one time, and AutoFit the column. Do the same for the payment type data.
Format the values in column D as Accounting Number Format.
Select cells A1:F2 and click the Alignment launcher [Home tab]. Click the Horizontal arrow, choose Center Across Selection, and click OK. Change the font size to 18.
Select the labels in row 4 and apply bold and center alignment.
AutoFit columns that do not show all the data.
Apply All Borders to cells A4:F15. Apply an Outside Border for cells A1:F2.
Apply the Green, Accent 1, Lighter 60% fill color (fifth column) to cells A1:F2 and A4:F4.
Apply the Green, Accent 1, Lighter 60% fill color (fifth column) to cells A6:F6.
Use the Ctrl key to select the data in rows 8, 10, 12, and 14 and apply the same fill color.

Rename Sheet1 as AR and set the tab color to Green, Accent 1 (fifth column).

Figure 1-106 Properties entered in dialog box

Define page layout and add document properties.

Center the worksheet horizontally on the page.
Create a header with the sheet name in the left section and your name in the right section.
Delete an existing author name and key your first and last name as Author in the Properties dialog box.
Type Receivables in the Title box (Figure 1-106).
Preview your worksheet.

Save and close the workbook (Figure 1-107).
Upload and save your project file.
Submit project for grading.

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