Executive Report Part 2

Both leadership and organizational strategy in the next decade will see major trends affecting the way organizations conduct business. These include the deployment of more technology to extend reach and access, increased globalization, increased diversity, more focus on extended supply chains, and a more nomadic workforce. In this assignment, you will consider these trends and analyze how they may impact your selected organization and what actions are necessary to get ready to address these trends.
You have been appointed by your organization (either a hypothetical one or one you are familiar with) to prepare its Workforce 2020 executive report. 
The report should be as detailed as possible for the CEO of your organization. That means it should include the key points of your research, analysis, and findings. The report should also contain examples of specific application to your company in a clear, concise, and informative document. 
In Module 4, you began your research on Workforce 2020. In this module, you will expand on the work you did in Module 4. Take Module 4â€s paper, and incorporate the items below into your work. Be sure to use the module readings, and the Internet, including federal guidelines. Select at least 3–4 scholarly resources for use in this assignment.
Complete the following:

Analyze your organization in its present form. Explain your organizationâ€s structure, workforce diversity, market/customer diversity, and communications technology.
Forecast future trends. Identify the economic, social, demographic, and workforce parameters that are expected to be in the U.S. in the year 2020. Explain how those trends will or will not be reflected in your organization. Consider addressing the following:

What are the general workforce trends?
How will these trends impact your industry?
What are the general trends in leadership/management that are impacting your organization?

Synthesize data and recommend changes needed for the future. Identify and recommend leader, organizational, and workforce trends that must be considered for change in the larger macro environment (for example, advances in technology or globalization) in your organization. Identify related outcomes for each specific topic: Consider addressing the following:

What leadership actions should the organization take?
What competencies will be needed?
What does the organization need to do to be prepared?
To conduct a holistic assessment of your selected organization and the challenges and opportunities it faces in addressing the noted trends, consider some of the concepts listed below as you develop your recommendations for the organization. It is not necessary to include all the concepts, but you should include 2–3 of them to do a thorough analysis. For example, leadership models and diversity management are likely to be pivotal areas for the organization. You could talk about the environment trends that were noted in the beginning of this assignment and then discuss how leadership practices and approaches in your selected organization may have to change to meet or address those trends.

Analyze how the following concepts apply to your organization:

Diversity management
Leadership models
Decision-making models
Problem solving
Conflict management processes 

Ensure that your paper includes the following:

An integrated report with an introduction and summary
A set of recommendations that will enable the organization to meet the expected challenges of 2020
Trends in your own organization
3–4 credible, cited sources supporting your projections

Support your assertions using the selected scholarly resources.
Write an 8–12-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M5_A2.doc

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