Executive Summary and Proposed Changes to Management Technical Report

Please see attached files first. DO NOT accept this if you cannot do it. Please read and follow instructions carefully. (No plagiarism).

1. You can use either Excel or Lingo (Not Lindo) Programming software to solve the attached project.

2. Please start with listing Decision Variables, Objective function and set Constrains then start modeling using Lingo or excel.

3. You are supposed to produce a 1 page Executive Summary, that is intended to be written to upper level management to convince them that the proposed changes are worth further exploration. Additionally, you are to write a Technical Report that an industrial engineer could verify your results. There is no set length to the Technical Report, but this report should convince the engineer that you are competent and your solution is correct.

Please make a professional work. You have two projects to make.

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Executive Summary and Proposed Changes to Management Technical Report was first posted on February 18, 2021 at 3:00 pm.

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