Exercise II: Frequently Raised Questions from Applicants for Services

Applicants will often have many questions about the agency, the process, the helper, and costs. The beginning of the intake interview is a time for client queries. Read the following agency description and answer the questions that follow.
Midtown Rehabilitation Center
Purpose and Services: Midtown Rehabilitation Center, an inner-city aftercare program for recovering alcoholics, is operated by Alcohol Services of the Midwest. Established in 1974, the center assists highly motivated alcoholics who have made a commitment to remain sober and develop an improved lifestyle. Services include evaluation of medical, social, emotional, and vocational needs; supervised and supportive residential aftercare; group and individual counseling; recreational and occupational therapy; educational, vocational, and professional training; physical restoration; anti-abuse supervision; legal assistance and employment assistance.
Eligibility: Both males and females who have had prior treatment or inpatient treatment for alcohol and/or drug abuse are eligible for treatment. The center also serves pre-release clients for the Federal Bureau of Prisoners (FBP).
Fees: The center operates on a sliding fee scale and is private pay.
Hours: The center is open 24 hours, 7 days a week.
Sources of Support: The center is supported with funding from the federal and state governments, client fees, and contributions.

Assume you are employed by the Midtown Rehabilitation Center as an intake interviewer. How do you answer the following application questions that frequently arise during this initial meeting? Write your response to each question.

How often will I come to see you?
Can I reach you after the center closes?
What happens if I forget an appointment?
Is what I tell you confidential?
What if I have an emergency?
How will I know when our work is finished?
What will I be charged for services?
Will my insurance company reimburse me?

Review the questions you were not able to answer. What information do you need in order to answer those questions? Where can you get that information?

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