Expectations from Genders Slideshow

I need this assignment back Saturday, November 4th at 12 pm EDT New York Time
In this assignment, you will create a presentation addressing how gender identity is formed, the scientific evidence for the differences between the genders, and the various influences (biological, social, and cultural) that affect these differences.
Assume you are making a presentation as part of a national symposium on gender development. Your contribution will serve as the introductory presentation to provide context to the symposium and your copresenters. The target audience for this project is the research community.
Using the module readings, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research how gender identity is formed.
Develop a presentation that addresses the following: Introduction: Overview of presentation The history of the study of gender Ways in which gender is studied Psychological theories about gender development Relative roles of biological, social, and cultural influences on gender (such as stereotyping and discrimination) Scientific evidence for gender differences in the following areas: School and work Relationships and sexuality Health and wellness Stress, coping, and psychopathology Conclusions that forecast the landscape for gender development at work and home, and in political arenas and initiatives in the coming years
Be sure to cover the following in your presentation: Include a title slide and a slide with references. Start each slide with a statement about the topic of the slide, and then include several bullet points to support your initial statement. Create speaker notes for each slide describing the main talking points for the topic addressed in the slide. Include information from your personal experiences and the readings reviewed in the course. Provide proper credit to sources and write in a formal and organized fashion. At a minimum, cite the online course and the textbook. Additional sources are welcome. Scholarly sources are preferred and can be found through Argosy University online library resources. You may also cite nonscholarly references from reputable Web and print sources. For reputable Web sources, look for .org, .net, or .edu sites as opposed to .com sites. Be sure to avoid Wikipedia.
Develop a 10–12-slide presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M5_A1.ppt.
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