Explain why diversity and inclusion are important to employee relations and the provision of safe, high-quality health care

Assignment Instructions

You have been offered the opportunity to apply for a leadership position in your organization. As a part of the application process, your potential employer uses the National Center for Healthcare Leadership’s (NCHL) competency model of leadership development (NCHL, 2016), which includes a 360-degree evaluation. The evaluation is an assessment that includes anonymous, confidential feedback from those around you, such as your peers, supervisor, direct reports, stakeholders, as well as a self-assessment on behavior (relational), technical and operational skills, and strategic ability. As a part of this 360-degree evaluation, you will complete the self-assessment component. (You should use the information from the Leadership Self-Assessment you completed in Unit 8 for this component of the assignment.) This information will be shared with the interview committee for the position, so it is important that you demonstrate your knowledge and experience in each of the areas outlined below. o Consider strategies or best practices that could be applied to improve outcomes. o Where do you have room to grow in this area? o How can you prepare yourself to do so? • Explain why diversity and inclusion are important to employee relations and the provision of safe, high-quality health care.  o Provide an example you have experienced or read about. Cite your sources. • Explain how your leadership characteristics prepare you to develop and lead a diverse team of employees and serve a diverse community within an ethical framework.  o In what ways can you address issues of diversity and inclusion, both within an organization and in serving the public? • Explain how the academic and research skills you develop as a practitioner-scholar can serve you in your role as an effective health care leader.  o How might those skills contribute to your effectiveness and credibility as a leader? o How will the knowledge and information you have gained from this course, and from your own research, guide your continued leadership development. . • Your written self-assessment should meet the following additional requirements:  o Communication: Proofread your writing. o Length of paper: 5–7 typed, double-spaced pages, not including the title page and reference page. o References: Cite at least 4–5 different sources. These can come from peer-reviewed journals or other scholarly resources, the assigned unit readings, and other reputable resources. o APA formatting:   Include a properly formatted title page, reference page, and abstract.  Apply correct formatting to all in-text citations and references.

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