400-600 words
The new detective you are assisting is interested in finding out more about how the possibility of DNA analysis affects procedure at the crime scene and afterwards. Write a memo for his benefit, addressing the following issues:
- Brief explanation of what DNA analysis is and how it can be used as evidence in criminal investigations.
- Explain why extra caution must be exercised when collecting DNA analyzable evidence.
- Discuss the precautions that must be followed to avoid contamination of evidence that may contain DNA evidence.
- Describe the methods for collecting and storing DNA evidence.
- Identify and discuss at least one controversial issue connected to the collection and/or use of DNA evidence.Write a 5-page strictly APA format paper including intext citation and reference page. Add 4 sources including a scholarly article/ journal.
A. Provide an overview of The United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court
(FISA Court).B. What are the legal controversies surrounding them and why?