Explain why it is necessary for a nurse to communicate effectively in their professional practice.


Hey guys This assignment is related to Nursing and communication

The essay question is discussing the communication between the nurse, patient and patients family. Please only use refrences that are between 2007-2012 and relevant journals. I have attatched to articles that i hope will help

Many thanks

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Assessment 3: Part B Essay (35%) Date Due: Week 10 – Monday 30th April 2012 by 1300hrs Length: 1200 words Overview In their professional practice, nurses need to communicate in many different ways. By the time you start this essay you will have learnt about how they might effectively do this as professional practitioners. This essay provides you with an opportunity to demonstrate your growing understanding of what it means to communicate effectively as a nurse. It also allows you to demonstrate your capacity to think critically about issues (i.e. to give consideration to context and / or other perspectives), organise ideas logically, and to write them down in a scholarly way. It is important, therefore, to develop your work beyond being descriptive. Details Present an essay (1200 words) that gives your response to the following question: According to the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council (ANMC) National Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse (2006), nurses are required to “communicate effectively with individuals/groups to facilitate provision of care” (p. 7). Explain why it is necessary for a nurse to communicate effectively in their professional practice. Your explanation should take account of self-awareness and the effect of this on communication in relation to ONE of the following aspects: EITHER 1) Communication between the nurse, the patient and the patient’s family To prepare and write this essay effectively, you should ensure that it is: ? Well researched – you must refer to AT LEAST five (5) relevant, reliable and current sources to support your ideas. These sources may be accessed from any or all of the following: course readings, relevant electronic databases such as CINAHL and MEDLINE, and / or library shelves. ? Logically structured – you should organise your response following the conventional essay format that comprises an introduction, a body and a conclusion. In the introductory paragraph (about 10%), introduce which aspect you will…

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