Explain why the nurse needs to know this information in order to provide nursing care.

To complete a holistic/variable assessment, utilize the same person that you obtain a health history from to perform an assessment of variables. Assessment of the variables provides a holistic view of the client and which attribute to their overall health. The variables assessed are to be as follows:




  • Developmental – includes physical and cognitive development. Document stage of development that your patient is currently experiencing (i.e. integrity vs. despair); describe the stage of development that your patient is in and why this whole development stage is important to nursing care. References two peer reviewed articles on development.


  • Sociocultural – includes your patient’s culture. What values, heritage, and culture he or she is practicing or adhering to from their culture. How does your patient socialize? i.e, having family visits every week, month etc., what culture environment does your patient reside in, Chinatown etc. Explain why the patient’s sociocultural background is important to the nurse in relationship to delivering nursing care. Chapter 2 – Jarvis textbook . References two peer reviewed articles on Sociocultural impact on delivery of care.
  • Spirituality – includes your patient’s religion, religious background, and spiritual well-being. Explain why the nurse needs to know this information in order to provide nursing care. Chapter 2 – Jarvis textbook. includes your patient’s religion, religious background, and spiritual well-being. Explain why the nurse needs to know this information in order to provide nursing care. Chapter 2 – Jarvis textbook. References two peer reviewed articles on Spirituality effects on patient physiologic well-being.


  • Psychological – includes your patient’s orientation, mood and affect, ability to respond and carry on a conversation with you. Explain why the nurse needs to know this information in order to provide nursing care. Chapter 5 – Jarvis textbook . References two peer-reviewed articles on the effect of psychological health on physiologic well-being. 

    The paper should be in APA format 6th edition. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you purchase this book in order to complete this assignment. Please proof read your paper prior to submission to ensure you have completed a spell check, grammar check and the paper is in the correct format, this section counts for 10% of your paper. Visit PurdueOWL or APAstyle.org for assistance

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