Explain why the scientific community was slow to accept the asteroid impact hypothesis

Is the following statement true or false? Justify your answer in one or two sentences:”The entire scientific community accepted the asteroid hypothesis after Dr. Alvarez drafted his paper showing high iridium levels at the K-T boundary.”7. Explain why the scientific community was slow to accept the asteroid impact hypothesis8. Many different pieces of evidence lead to the formation of the asteroid hypothesis and provided support for the hypothesis, includinga. Finding tsunami deposits in the Brazos River Basin, Texas.b. Determining that rocks taken from the Chicxulub crater are the same age as the K-T boundary.c. Discovering gravitational field anomalies on the Yucatan peninsula, from surveys done for oil exploration.d. Finding high levels of iridium in the K-T boundary layer.e. Identifying spherules and shocked quartz in Haitif. Finding that an isotope of plutonium is not in the K-T boundary layer.g. Observing differences in foraminifera fossils above and below the K-T boundary layer.i. Which piece of evidence (a-g) lead scientists to conclude that the cause of the K-T boundary layer was extraterrestrial in nature? ____________ii. Which piece of evidence (a-g) lead scientists to dismiss the supernova hypothesis? ____________iii. What was the critical piece of evidence (a-g) that supported the hypothesis that an asteroid had struck Earth 66 million years ago? ____________9. How could an asteroid impact kill off so many different species? Select one response.a. Debris from the impact orbiting around the Earth shields sunlight, halting photosynthesis.b. Tsunamis, landslides, and earthquakes caused by the impact killed organisms near the site of impact.c. The impact was so extreme that life at ground zero was vaporized.d. Both A and C are possible. e. A, B and C are possible.10. Why do we define the K-T event as a mass extinction event? Write ‘yes’ or ‘no’ next to each of the five possibilities. There may be more than one ‘yes’ response.Many species of foraminifera went extinctA large proportion of species went extinctThe extinction occurred in many habitats around the worldTyrannosaur rex went extinctMany life forms near Gubbio, Italy were obliterated11. Which fields of study contributed to the research that led to the impact hypothesis? Circle all that apply.Biology -Economy- Physics- Geology -Math -Philosophy -Theology- Music- Chemistry12. What did Dr. Carroll mean at the end of the film when he said, “It’s not always the survival of the fittest; sometimes it’s the survival of the luckiest?6. Is the following statement true or false? Justify your answer in one or two sentences:”The entire scientific community accepted the asteroid hypothesis after Dr. Alvarez drafted his paper showing high iridium levels at the K-T boundary.”7. Explain why the scientific community was slow to accept the asteroid impact hypothesis8. Many different pieces of evidence lead to the formation of the asteroid hypothesis and provided support for the hypothesis, includinga. Finding tsunami deposits in the Brazos River Basin, Texas.b. Determining that rocks taken from the Chicxulub crater are the same age as the K-T boundary.c. Discovering gravitational field anomalies on the Yucatan peninsula, from surveys done for oil exploration.d. Finding high levels of iridium in the K-T boundary layer.e. Identifying spherules and shocked quartz in Haitif. Finding that an isotope of plutonium is not in the K-T boundary layer.g. Observing differences in foraminifera fossils above and below the K-T boundary layer.i. Which piece of evidence (a-g) lead scientists to conclude that the cause of the K-T boundary layer was extraterrestrial in nature? ____________ii. Which piece of evidence (a-g) lead scientists to dismiss the supernova hypothesis? ____________iii. What was the critical piece of evidence (a-g) that supported the hypothesis that an asteroid had struck Earth 66 million years ago? ____________9. How could an asteroid impact kill off so many different species? Select one response.a. Debris from the impact orbiting around the Earth shields sunlight, halting photosynthesis.b. Tsunamis, landslides, and earthquakes caused by the impact killed organisms near the site of impact.c. The impact was so extreme that life at ground zero was vaporized.d. Both A and C are possible. e. A, B and C are possible.10. Why do we define the K-T event as a mass extinction event? Write ‘yes’ or ‘no’ next to each of the five possibilities. There may be more than one ‘yes’ response.Many species of foraminifera went extinctA large proportion of species went extinctThe extinction occurred in many habitats around the worldTyrannosaur rex went extinctMany life forms near Gubbio, Italy were obliterated11. Which fields of study contributed to the research that led to the impact hypothesis? Circle all that apply.Biology -Economy- Physics- Geology -Math -Philosophy -Theology- Music- Chemistry12. What did Dr. Carroll mean at the end of the film when he said, “It’s not always the survival of the fittest; sometimes it’s the survival of the luckiest?

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