Explain why you believe they are composite objects.

“Building Models” Please respond to the following:

Suppose you were building an object model for an online banking system. Determine which of the 14 heuristics for building models you would use to build the banking system. Provide a rationale.
Blackboard is a Web-based learning management system used by Strayer for instructions, online interaction, and for educational assessment. Provide three examples of composite objects that are used in Blackboard. Explain why you believe they are composite objects.

Stakeholder analysis is a systematic process that identifies all parties that will be affected by a new information system, and attempts to estimate the consequences of the project for each stakeholder group. A major goal of stakeholder analysis is to ensure that the consequences of a new system are considered for all parties that will be affected by the system.

The most common stakeholders to consider for most systems projects are:

The system champion: The system champion is the person or group who initiates the project and provides support for it.
The system users: The users are the individuals who will work with the system once it is implemented.
The organization’s management: The organization management commits resources to the project and has an interest in seeing those resources be used to improve the functioning of the organization.


Suppose you were building an object model for an online banking system. Determine which of the 14 heuristics for building models you would use to build the banking system. Provide a rationale.

The two heuristics recommended are: heuristic one and heuristic three. According to Lamsweerde (2009), driving objects from goal models (heuristic one) means defining all the conceptual objects that relate to domain properities and goals in a goal model. It ensures that an object model is complete and accurate with respects to objects referenced in the goal model. In the banking example, this allows the requirements engineer (RE) to ensure he or she is has the complete set of objects that must be incorporated into the primary requirements.

Heuristic three enables REs to define associations for objects that system agents cannot normally monitor or control. For example, if an object defined by a goal that cannot normally be resolved by a system agent, the RE can define an “image” of the object. If a situation in the banking example exists, where a goal cannot be handled by a specific object, the RE can use the “image” and one-to-one link with the actual object to ensure that attributes stay consistent and that the goal is being handled.

Blackboard is a Web-based learning management system used by Strayer for instructions, online interaction, and for educational assessment. Provide three examples of composite objects that are used in Blackboard. Explain why you believe they are composite objects.

Three examples of composite objects are: gradebook, discussion board, and video lectures. These are composite objects because they are made up of individual parts or objects (composite), which can be linked during system runtime (Lamsweerde, 2009). Gradebook object is made up of objects that input and store a letter grade, define the weights, and calculate the average final grade. The discussion board object is made up objects that store comment text, tools for editing the comment, and a submit button to submit the comment. Video lectures are objects composed other smaller objects, such as an object for encoding and decoding sound, an object to send video signals, and an object to receive video signals.

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