HEP: HEP: NSW5028/CRICOS Provider Code NSW00246M © Laureate International Universities 2016
Assessment Brief
Program Bachelor of Business
Subject code EVT207A
Subject name Event Venue Management
Assessment title Asset performance analysis
Group or individual assessment Individual
Length 1200 words
Learning outcomes addressed
This assessment addresses the following learning outcomes:
f) Assess the broad key performance indicators and success factors associated with operating a venue
Submission date 11:55pm Sunday of week 11
Total marks 120 Marks
Weighting 30%
2 HEP: HEP: NSW5028/CRICOS Provider Code NSW00246M © Laureate International Universities 2016
Assessment Brief:
Building upon the programming and scheduling case study the you must perform an asset performance analysis.
1. Choose 4 assets from the case study. Explain why you have chosen the particular assets
2. Complete an asset performance analysis on the four assess using the template provided
Asset name Asset criticality Condition assessment Asset Capacity
3. You must provide explanations as to how and why you have assessed each asset in each area
Marking criteria
High Distinction
18-20 points Distinction 14-17 points
Credit 10-13 points
Pass 6-9 points
Fail 0-5 points
Four assets outlined and reasons provided as to why they were chosen
Asset 1: Asset performance analysis completed
Asset 2: Asset performance analysis completed
Asset 3: Asset performance analysis completed
Asset 4: Asset performance analysis completed
Thorough explanations of each asset performance analysis
Total points /120 points