Explain why you think the philosopher is correct or incorrect, or how the philosopher’s views might be tweaked in order to make a more complete view.

Think about a problem or issue that you face in life (something that is relevant to you). Develop a philosophical question that is relevant to this problem. Next, write an essay that explores this question, making substantial use of at least one philosopher that we will not discuss in class. Ideally, this philosopher should be someone you do not already know about (you are expected to do research for this project. Therefore, finding a philosopher who you already know you agree with is not likely to be the best option, though if, after much research, you find you agree for good reasons, that is fine).

Your essay should include the following:

A main question, in the first paragraph: (The question sets the topic, and helps you to develop a thesis statement.)

A thesis statement, in the first or second paragraph: (A thesis statement is your “claim”, or your conclusion. This is something that you attempt to prove throughout your paper. This may be a direct answer to the question, or it may simply be a claim about the question that is relevant in answering the question.)

One philosopher that you have found through research: Make sure to summarize important views from this philosophers (anything relevant to the question). Cite your sources, and use primary sources when possible.

Explain why you think the philosopher is correct or incorrect, or how the philosopher’s views might be tweaked in order to make a more complete view.

Make a clear argument to “prove” your thesis statement is correct.

Use proper academic language (grammar, spelling, punctuation, citations, non-androcentric)

Use Chicago style formatting (without a title page or bibliography–footnotes alone are fine for this class. You should still include a title at the top of your paper.)



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