Explained what the learners accomplished at the end of the class.

As a nurse educator, you are responsible for preparing a clinically-proficient and culturally-competent nursing workforce through nursing education. In addition, you are expected to promote excellence in patient care and safe patient outcomes through patient education. A proper assessment of the diverse ethnicity, age, and learning preferences of your learners can give helpful direction regarding the teaching methodology to be adopted in a particular setting. You will apply assessment data to teaching strategies for different types of learning groups. Your strategies should bridge existing knowledge gaps, create learning opportunities, and help achieve the learning outcomes.
In the scenario below, you will use emerging technologies to keep learners engaged and interested. Using technology in classrooms, clinics, or community education centers can be an efficient and effective alternative to conventional learning.
You will create an 8-page paper (excluding title page, references, and Appendices)addressing the following items looking through the lens of the Staff Development Educator, the Community Health-Based Educator, or the Academic Nurse Educator (choose only one educator perspective through which to view the scenario).
Scenario: Basic Cardiac Life Support
You are working for a facility that has just purchased a $60,000 simulation mannequin. As you read the instructions, you find out that the modules you need to teach basic cardiac life support (BCLS) were not included in the simulator purchase. You find that the simulator cannot be used to its fullest potential because the interactive EKG and AED modules have not been purchased. You learn from the director of nursing education that there was not enough money in the budget to purchase the entire package. You are told that you must “make do” with what has been purchased to teach a class of 30 leaners of varying ages and diverse backgrounds.
Discuss the overall goal for this BCLS class.
Create two objectives using Bloom’s Taxonomy behavioral (action) verbs at the 4–6 levels.
What is it you anticipate the learners will accomplish at the end of your class?
How can you assess the needs of this diverse group of learners?
Recommend at least three nontraditional learning strategies that may be helpful in terms of conveying information to a group of 30 people.
Formulate a convincing response to the director of nursing education that explains the effectiveness of the proposed teaching strategies within the limitations of the simulation mannequin.
Show how cultural, educational, and age-specific diversity can be successfully addressed for patient safety (QSEN competency).
Please note that in addition to assigned course materials, it is an expectation that you will include additional scholarly references to support your position. Submit this assignment to the W1: Assignment 3 Dropbox by Week 1, Day 6.
Part 1 – Cast Study Grading Criteria
Maximum Points
Discussed the overall goal for this BCLS class.
Created two objectives using Bloom’s Taxonomy behavioral (action) verbs at the 4–6 levels.
Explained what the learners accomplished at the end of the class.
Identified and discussed various ways of assessing the needs of a diverse group of learners.
Identified at least three non-traditional learning strategies to address the learning needs of the target audience.
Examined the appropriateness of the selected teaching strategies in the given setting.
Formulated a convincing response to the director of nursing education that explained eloquently the effectiveness of the proposed strategies.
Stated clearly how diversity can be addressed and recommended ways to address diversity.

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