MHACB/560 Competency 3 Assessment and Rubric:

Course Title: Creating a Sustainable Legacy: Healthy Communities
Competency Assessment Title: Financial Strategies for the Sustainability Initiative
Assignment Directions
Your Financial Strategies Summary provides organization executives with reasons why they should approve financial strategies for your
sustainability initiative. It demonstrates your ability to critically think through financial strategy development and presents your financial petition to
leadership for resources for implementation.
Prepare the Financial Strategies Summary for your sustainability initiative in 6 to 8 pages.
Include the following in your summary:
• A brief summary of your sustainability initiative proposal
• A minimum of 3 financial strategies to fund implementation of your initiative
o An analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of each of your financial strategies for implementation of your
o An evaluation of how each of the following impacts those financial strategies within your initiative:
o Proposed community partnerships
o Proposed waste reduction efforts
o Proposed improved patient care outcomes
• Petition to the leadership for approval of your financial strategies to enact the initiative
• Cite 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly
works, or other sources of similar quality).
Format your references according to APA guidelines.
Submit your assignment.
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MHACB/560 Competency 3 Rubric
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Competency Assessment Rubric
Meets Expectations
Not Met

  1. Sustainability Initiative
    Proposal Summary
    (weight 10%)
    The summary included a thorough
    summation of the sustainability initiative
    The summary included an
    adequate summation of the
    sustainability initiative proposal.
    The summary did not include a
    summation of the sustainability
    initiative proposal.
  2. Financial Strategies to
    Fund Implementation
    (weight 40%)
    The summary included a thorough
    analysis of the strengths, weaknesses,
    opportunities, and threats for a minimum
    of 3 financial strategies to fund the
    initiative implementation; and a
    comprehensive evaluation of how the
    proposed community partnerships,
    proposed waste reduction efforts, and
    the proposed improved patient care
    outcomes impact the financial strategies
    within the initiative.
    The summary included an
    adequate analysis of the strengths,
    weaknesses, opportunities, and
    threats for a minimum of 3 financial
    strategies to fund the initiative
    implementation; and a satisfactory
    evaluation of how the proposed
    community partnerships, proposed
    waste reduction efforts, and the
    proposed improved patient care
    outcomes impact the financial
    strategies within the initiative.
    The summary did not include the
    analysis of the strengths,
    weaknesses, opportunities, and
    threats for a minimum of 3
    financial strategies to fund the
    initiative implementation, or the
    evaluation of how the proposed
    community partnerships, proposed
    waste reduction efforts, and the
    proposed improved patient care
    outcomes impact the financial
    strategies within the initiative.
  3. Petition for Approval
    of the Financial
    (weight 40%)
    The summary included a comprehensive
    petition to the leadership for approval of
    the financial strategies necessary to
    enact the initiative.
    The summary included a partial
    petition to the leadership for
    approval of the financial strategies
    to enact the initiative.
    The summary did not include the
    petition to the leadership for
    approval of the financial strategies
    to enact the initiative.
  4. Research Support
    (weight 5%)
    The student cited 3 reputable references
    to support the assignment (e.g., trade or
    industry publications, government or
    agency websites, scholarly works, or
    other sources of similar quality).
    The student cited 2 reputable
    references to support the
    assignment (e.g., trade or industry
    publications, government or
    agency websites, scholarly works,
    or other sources of similar quality).
    The student did not cite any
  5. Grammar and Writing
    (weight 5%)
    Accuracy in grammar, sentence
    structures, sentence boundaries, and
    word choice enhanced content.
    Rare inaccuracies/errors in
    grammar, sentence structures,
    sentence boundaries, and word
    choice did not detract from the
    Occasional or frequent
    inaccuracies/errors in grammar,
    sentence structures, sentence
    boundaries, and word choice
    detracted from the content.

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