last discussion questions can you help with this assignment

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Juanita has asked for a week to do research on the culture and how it has impacted the way their organization fulfills their mission. This is a former Soviet country that is populated with mostly Ukrainians, Kazakhs, Uzbeks and Tajiks. She has learned that they think of themselves as European but are primarily Muslim in their religious beliefs but motivated by pursuing material wealth.

As she contemplates how little she knows about this country and its people, some anxiety begins to creep in along with the excitement of the challenge of the unknown. To ensure she is reasonably well prepared before she goes, she decides to communicate with the Uzbek Director, Ludmilla Kovalenko.

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Discussion – Global Management

This assignment is designed to integrate the reflection of personal experience and the information covered in the textbook.Assumingyou areLudmillaresponding to a recent email from Juanita, answer the following questions:

  • Besides cultural differences, what other factors might affect human resource management with this international office?
  • What abilities will help Juanita succeed and potentially fail in this assignment as an expatriate?
  • What has been the reason for the high failure rate of expatirate managers in Uzbekistan? What can Ludmilla do to increase the success of expats?
  • Since Uzbekistan has been significantly influenced by Russia for over 70 years, from Hofstede’s perspective, what impact has culture had on appraisal systems, self- managing teams, and systems for gathering suggestions from workers?

BySunday, May 10, 2015submit your response to the appropriateDiscussion Area.


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